Twice Daily PPI Induces Higher Remission Rate in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Than Once Daily Regimen Regardless of Total Daily Dose.

Muftah M, Goldin AH, Barshop K, et al. Twice Daily PPI Induces Higher Remission Rate in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Than Once Daily Regimen Regardless of Total Daily Dose. The American journal of gastroenterology. Published online 2024.


BACKGROUND: The optimal proton pump inhibitor (PPI) regimen for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is unclear. We compared histologic response rates of different dosing combinations.

METHODS: 305 newly-diagnosed EoE patients received standard (omeprazole 20mg daily), once-daily moderate (40mg daily), twice-daily moderate (20mg twice daily), or high (40mg twice daily) dose PPI for ≥8 weeks.

RESULTS: 42.3% achieved histologic response to PPI, with higher rates for twice-daily (moderate:52.8%/high:54.3%) than once-daily (standard:11.8%/moderate:10%) dosing (p<0.0001). On multivariable analysis, twice-daily moderate (aOR:6.75, CI:2.53-18.0,p=0.0008) and high (aOR:12.8, CI:4.69-34.8,p<0.0001) doses independently predicted histologic response.

CONCLUSION: Twice-daily PPI is associated with higher EoE histologic response rates than once-daily regimen.

Last updated on 02/05/2024